Stewards of the Land
The Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) became a signatory to the First Nation Land Management Act and subsequently signed an Individual Agreement with Canada and developed their own Land Code. After a successful ratification of the WLFN Land Code and Individual Agreement the WLFN Land Code was adopted and went into effect on July 1, 2014.
The effect of becoming an operational First Nation and having control and management over all land management activities has greatly benefited the WLFN. The WLFN has overall authority on all land management activities and that authority is managed via a Land Code developed with the participation of the Nation membership. The Land Code, developed by the membership, provides direction on how land management activities will be implemented and ensuring transparency to the members. The WLFN can now pursue, negotiate and sign off on economic development opportunities promptly and efficiently. The Nation also has the power to develop and manage our own land laws with community input and participation.
In summary the WLFN has become a very progressive First Nation that manages all land management activities and operates under our own land laws.
The WLFN Lands Department Provides the following Services
- Land Encumbrance / Status Checks; Please see Fee Schedule
- Lands Registration – for leases, sub-leases, assignments, mortgages, discharges, easements, rights of ways, permit;
- Individual Land Holdings – assists with land transfers, research on individual land titles, updating titles, encumbrance checks and general inquiries.
- Leases & Permits – provide advice on leases and permits, information on WLFN Land Code;
- Environmental Management – following the Individual Agreement Annex F the WLFN ensures projects are implemented in an environmental manner with the appropriate assessments
The WLFN has management and control over the following Reserves
- Williams Lake Indian Reserve No. 1 – containing 1,644 hectares (4062 acres);
- Asahal Indian Reserve No. 2 – containing 48.9 hectares (120.8 acres);
- Five Mile Indian Reserve No. 3 – containing 72.2 hectares (178.4 acres);
- James Louie Indian Reserve No. 3A – containing 61.0 hectares (150.8 acres);
- Tillion Indian Reserve No. 4 – containing 3.70 hectares (9.14 acres);
- Chimney Creek Indian Reserve No. 5 – containing 23.4 hectares (57.8 acres);
- San Jose Indian Reserve No. 6 – containing 2.61 hectares (6.44 acres);
- Carpenter Mountain Indian Reserve No. 15 – containing 64.8 hectares (160.1 acres).
The WLFN has developed the following Laws
- Fire Prevention Law 2017-01;
- Matrimonial Real Property Law 2017 – 02;
- Animal Control Law 2017 – 03;
The WLFN is in the process of
- Developing a Burial & Cremation Law;
- Revising the Nuisance & Trespass Bylaw into a Nuisance & Trespass Law;
- Revising the Land Use Plan with Zoning and will develop a Land Use Plan Law;
Lands Manager
Wenona Gordon
[email protected]