
WLFN Community Survey: Cariboo Gold Project

WLFN members are asked to please complete a short survey about the Cariboo Gold Project. The survey only takes about five minutes to complete, and your input is greatly appreciated.

Find the survey here:

We want to gain a better understanding of the Williams Lake First Nation community’s interest in topics related to the Cariboo Gold Project (the Project). This will allow us to present the most relevant information when community meetings are held regarding the Cariboo Gold Project. Your participation and feedback are valuable, and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

The Cariboo Gold Project is an underground gold mine proposed by Osisko Development Corp. (through its 100%-owned subsidiary Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd.), located in the District of Wells and Cariboo Regional District, that will produce an average of 4,750 tonnes per day of ore. The Project will include underground crushing, a Services Building containing a surface concentrator and paste backfill plant, a waste rock storage facility located at the Bonanza Ledge Mine near Wells, access roads, and associated mine infrastructure in an area referred to as the Mine Site. The Project also includes upgrades to the existing Quesnel River (QR) Mill and construction of a filtered stack tailings storage facility at the QR Mill location. Transportation routes connecting the Mine Site and the QR Mill and a new 69 kilovolt transmission line from a substation near Quesnel to the Mine Site are included as part of the Project as well.

Please answer the following questions. Survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete, wherein responses will be anonymous and will not be shared with anyone else. The data will be used to inform the content of presentations given at upcoming community meeting(s).